Everything counts! Please help us make a difference. New and used items are always appreciated and can go a long way to helping keep these English Bulldogs happy and healthy. If your Bully no longer uses something, there is definitely a homeless Bully who will!
- Anything KONG
- Durable toys
- Cooling vests for walks - this is to help get these love nuggets in shape!
- Fish Oil
- Glucosamine to help with creaky joints
- Baby Wipes for getting rid of wrinkle funk!
- Stainless Steel Bowls
- Treats
- Squishy beds that are washable
- Collars, Leashes & Harnesses
- Vitamin E Oil for chapped and crusty noses
- GenTeal Lubricating Eye Gel (Severe Dry Eye formula)
- Collapsible Wire Dog Crates
- X-Pens
Anything that will make a broken and scared Bulldog's stay in rescue more comfortable and rehabilitation a little more enjoyable.
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